Assisted Custody - mineracks as a Key Agent for your multisig Setup

$30.00 every month for 1 year

Secured Backup Plate Locker Box and Forwarding Service (Assisted Custody)

Your own dedicated and individually locked 1RU enclosure at mineracks CBD Data Centre
- Tamper Evident Sealed Bags with unique serial number and markings supplied
- Suitable for long term storage of 1 backup seed plate in each set of m-of-n multisig quorums.
- Sufficient physical space to store up to 10 backup plates/multisig setups
- We do not accept storage of single sig seed plate backups
- 1 RU, cold rolled steel enclosure
- No KYC required - open and close storage via Lightning Invoice and secret code OR on-chain transaction to pre-agreed BTC address.
- Provide self addressed prepaid express mail bag(s) if you would like the option for mineracks to post your backup plate to a pre-agreed address/PO Box anywhere in the world.
- You must never reveal to us where you intend to store your other multi-sig quorum plates.
- We can provide on demand bitcoin training, assistance and support to those you grant access to the storage locker.
